Domain Name is an essential requirement for a
business to market its products and services. Domain Name is the identity of a
business and is the key component of online marketing. It is the web address of
the business which customers access through internet. Domain Name is a
combination of letters and numbers paired with domain extension such as .net,
.com, etc. The very fact that Domain Names are registered internationally makes
them susceptible to disputes. A Domain Name law firm helps a business in
choosing the correct domain name and protects the domain name from
misappropriation and other disputes.
The attorneys of the legal firm represent
companies, domain owners, domain investors and startups for various cases under
Domain Dispute Law
and also provide other domain name related services. The various
types of legal domain dispute services offered by a Domain Name legal firm have
been discussed here.
Dispute Resolution
Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP)
is the international policy which governs the resolution of domain name
disputes. The UDRP Lawyer represents
the clients in the following disputes.
- Cyber squatting in which the client’s domain
name is registered by another entity or the entity uses the domain name for
profit. The offending party needs to pay monetary damages to the domain name
owner if cyber squatting is proved.
- Anti-Cyber squatting Consumer Protection Act
case when an entity uses a domain name very similar to the client’s domain name
or registers the same domain name illegally.
- Transferring of domain name to the client using Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers.