Saturday, 7 March 2020

Ensuring Domain Safety and Fighting Domain Name Litigations

It is possible to increase your sales potential to the maximum using the internet as a tool. The domain name is the address that helps the users to access your website. It is important to ensure domain safety of the domain name because it could make the difference between ensuring that you make profits or it is flowing down to an unknown source that is using your domain name illegally.  It can be referred to as domain theft or domain name hijacking. It usually would be related to dealing with goodwill associated with a trademark that is used wrongfully by others and the public confusion regarding the domain that results in a loss. In such cases, the problem has to be resolved using the UDRP Disputes service or Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP).

UDRP Disputes service

Why should you have a Counsel for Domain Litigation?

The best way to fight a Domain Name Litigation against individuals who exploit the security gaps is to hire the services of a counsel who has sound knowledge of the framework and functioning of the URPS system. 

Enhancing domain security

In this light, it is important to enhance domain security which includes
       Keeping web accounts with hard-to-guess passwords.
       Not sharing domain account details to anyone
        Employing spyware and anti-virus ware
       Keep track of the renewal process and the  expiry period of your registration
       Add domain privacy by keeping your contact information from the public domain
       Add extra levels of security with registry lock services.

You have no other option but to reach out to counsel when domain theft does happen despite these security measures. You can depend on or get in touch with in order to connect you to specialist attorneys who can help you out with domain theft cases and help in the resolution of such disputes.