If someone used your registered trademark domain name and created a website without acknowledging you, he may have infringed on your intellectual property. If he deliberately tries to confuse your consumers by using your domain name, you can file a case against him. A domain dispute lawyer will help you in identifying whether he registered your domain name in bad faith or accidentally.
Importance of a Domain Dispute Lawyer in Cybersquatting:
Stealing or misappropriating domain name comes under Cybersquatting. The motive of this practice is usually stealing your brand identity and financial resources. As a leading Domain law firm, we can help you advice, help you locate the registrants, and respond firmly to the infringements.
If you face someone who has created a website on your trademark registered domain name, without wasting time, it is advisable to get in touch with the best domain law firm. This is a complex area of law; that’s why it is good to hire an experienced lawyer who can resolve this issue with ease.
What are the objectives of a domain law firm when acting for trademark owners?
A major objective of a domain dispute lawyer is to find the evidence against the infringer. To simply recover this case quickly, a domain lawyer tries to settle it out of the court.
Get in touch with us:
Any query regarding Cybersquatting you can get in touch with ESQwires.com. With the help of investigation tools, they can determine whether an infringer has done this in bad faith or accidentally.